Arizona Utility Locating Company Looks Deep Underground

Pegasus Utility Locating Services uses state-of-the-art technology to find what their clients are seeking.
Arizona Utility Locating Company Looks Deep Underground
Colission Wells, owner and CEO of Pegasus Utility Locating Services, and his wife, Melanie, business affairs and CFO, stand next to one of their trucks at their facility in Phoenix. Colission Wells founded the company in 1994 and has grown the company to several support vehicles and state-of- the-art locating equipment. The company serves all of Arizona.

People have long searched for things underground: Water, food, metals, minerals, gems and fuel were early targets. Divining rods, aka dowsing rods, were the first “technology” employed in the search. These devices date back to around 6000 BCE, according to archaeologists. Dowsing...

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