From One-Facility Startup to Thriving Utility Solutions Across the Nation

Over the past decade, Equix Integrity has grown from a cross-bore inspection firm with a local vision into a diversified company providing services across the country

From One-Facility Startup to Thriving Utility Solutions Across the Nation

The team at Equix Integrity includes, from left, Andrew Undicelli, vice president; Joaquin Aguilar, operator; Mario Chavez, Houston-area manager; Luis Aguilar, operator; Israel Covarrubias, project manager; Bryce Elliott, jet/vac operator; and Juan Bocanegra, operator. The company’s fleet includes AquaStar water recycling vac trucks from KAISER PREMIER.

Equix Integrity was once a one-facility operation. It now works regularly in 15 different states.

Equix Integrity is one of six businesses that stand under the umbrella of Equix Inc., headquartered in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, a nationwide construction services corporation focused...

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