Walk-Behind/Hand-Held Trenchers - MiniTrencher GeoRipper

The GeoRipper hand-held commercial and portable trencher from MiniTrencher can be used for irrigation, electrical, fiberoptics, landscape edging, root barriers and dog fencing. With a starting weight of 30 pounds, it can be used as a hand-held trencher or placed on an EZ Kart for longer trenching and consistent digging depths. Available in three different sizes, it can be used to easily dig trenches in tight radiuses, and rapidly dig with little turf or ground disturbance for fast backfilling and quick site cleanup. It works in various soil conditions, such as clay, fractured rock and sand. It can cut a trench up to 27 inches deep and 1.5 inches wide. Its self-sharpening digging chains can cut tree roots up to 3 inches in diameter.
800/694-0141; www.minitrencher.com


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