Kaiser Premier’s CV Series Packs Powerful Performance

Over the course of some years, Kaiser Premier’s CV Series line of hydrovacs was analyzed to ensure that it pulls the most dirt in the least amount of time with safe and efficient operation.

All critical components are centralized and housed in an insulated, heated aluminum van body. There’s functional space on both sides of the machine, making the job easier for operators.

The RB-DV series of rotary three-lobe positive displacement blowers can operate at high vacuum levels thanks to a device that injects atmospheric air, allowing the blower to operate at maximum vacuum capacity without overheating. RB-DV series blowers can reach vacuum levels of up to 93 percent on a dead head negative 27 inches Hg without the need to inject water or use an upstream heat exchanger, consequently lowering installation and operating costs.

Meanwhile, an extendable boom delivers superior reach and mobility. Kaiser Premier’s head-mount design allows 342-degree rotation and a 26-foot reach. All functions are operable via wireless remote or manual control.

Safe, reliable design

The CV Series uses a hydraulically assisted off-load to eliminate overhead conflict concerns by avoiding the need to raise the tank. Rather than using gravity alone, the CV Series applies its mechanical advantage to quickly off-load compacted tank debris.

To release hot high-pressure water, the vehicle can be equipped with a 700,000 Btu boiler. The transfer case is specifically designed for vacuum excavation trucks requiring a highly configurable and easily serviceable gearbox.

KAISER AG has established a strong position in international markets as a leading manufacturer of mobile walking excavators and vehicles for sewer cleaning and industrial disposal.

1-970-542-1975 | sales@kaiserpremier.com | www.kaiserpremier.com


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